Dear Dad...

Father’s Day can create a lot of feelings. For some of us, these feelings aren’t always positive, but there are many fathers that are present, hardworking, and loving and provide for their family.
Watching my children father their children is quite special. A few months ago, I texted one of my sons and told him how proud of him I am for taking care of his very large family, including his wife and six children. I said, “Son, you are there for your children. You work hard, you care, and you ask me questions, like 'How can be a better father; how can I encourage my children, Mom?' I responded, "You love your wife and give her the ability to get food for this large family. Don’t feel bad when you fail or are not perfect, but focus on the good you do." When my son-in-law married my eldest daughter, he stepped into the lives of her two children from a previous marriage and created a huge life of stability for them. I have another son who has a two year old girl who is in trouble all the time right now because she is full of life! They are the fathers who I am celebrating this Father's Day.
For the fathers in your life, whomever they may be, show them you love them this Father's Day appreciate them for what they have been able to accomplish and the choices that they have made to show love.
Father's Day Gifts from Nifty Package Co.
Here at Nifty Package Co., we have made it easy to show you care by putting together some nice Father's Day gifts. Each of our Father's Day gifts include a handwritten note. Our custom notes can say whatever you want. Here are some ideas and suggestions from our team:
"Dad, you have loved me, supported me, encouraged me. I want you to know how much I love you."
"Dear Dad, you are my hero! Thank you for being you."
"Five things I love about having you as my dad……"
Here are some of our favorite Father's Day Gifts from this season's collection: