Mother's Day Love

When I was 5 months pregnant for the first time with my daughter, I was sitting in a crowded airport reading a book on childbirth while waiting for a flight. I was nervous about the new journey of motherhood that I had just started out on, and I was pretty terrified of the whole giving birth process. As I put my book down and looked around, I realized that every single person in that busy airport had been born and had a mom who had given birth to them. This may seem like a silly and obvious thought, but it really seemed profound to me at the time. The millions and millions of people alive in the world today represent the millions of mothers who have sacrificed and labored for their children. I began to understand that I had joined a vast league of women who had walked this path before me, and I was unified with them in this new stage of life.
At this time of year, we acknowledge these amazing women and the role that they have had in our lives. For many of us, this special day means we celebrate the women who did the hard work of giving birth, loving, teaching, and raising us to be the people we are today. For those of us who are moms, we get to be showered with love and appreciation from those little faces that we laugh with and kiss goodnight everyday. For others, Mother’s Day is a day of conflicting feelings and sometimes pain, brought on by missing the mom who is no longer there or from years of struggle to become a mom. But no matter what our circumstance, we can all agree that the role of a mother something to be cherished. It is not an easy task and is something that can be easily overlooked.
Author Donna Ball stated that, “Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is, and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.” Motherhood is not only a biological relationship between two people. A mom can be anyone who decides to love a child unconditionally for their entire life, however long that is. A mother’s love endures through mistakes, flaws, and imperfections. Being a mother is about discovering strengths you didn’t know you had and facing fears you never knew existed. It’s not about being perfect, but it is about being present and giving as much of yourself as you can give.
I am so fortunate to have a mom who gave everything for me. She dedicated her life to raising me and my sister and homeschooling us all the way through 2nd grade to high school. On top of that, she put aside her own comfort and desires so that my sister and I could pursue any dream that we possibly had. She taught us to be women of character and followers of the Lord. I also became blessed as I gained my mother-in-law, Michelle. She raised my husband to be a leader and lover of Jesus, and she has not only become another source of wisdom for me but also a close friend. But it wasn’t until my own daughter was born that I truly understood the accomplishments and sacrifice that our moms had made. I grew in my appreciation for them as I learned about the struggles it takes to bring a life into this world and to love that little life more than you ever thought you could.
Since moms deserve such great recognition, Mother’s Day should be an opportunity to take the time and really think about how we can show our appreciation. Because a mom’s love is always there, it can be easy to take it for granted. But on this day, it is our turn to give back and display gratitude. Here at Nifty Package Co., we take this responsibility seriously. Each year we build and create unique gifts with luxury items that moms will be sure to enjoy. Our gifts are created with different tastes and styles in mind so that you can find something for any mom on your list. This year, you have a special opportunity of getting a hand built Nifty Package Co. gift at our Mother’s Day Pop-Up Shop. The shop will be open on Friday May 11 from 8AM-1PM and Saturday May 12 from 8AM-2PM at the Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders at 428 W Katella Ave, Orange, CA 92867. Come stop by to pick up a beautiful gift for the mom in your life who deserves a special thank you.
-Danielle Hartman